Los objetivos de mi unidad sobre la Europa Feudal están definidos en la misma: Unidad AICLE sobre Europa Feudal
En clase utilizaríamos como hilo conductor una presentación, que contiene diversos enlaces a vídeos y actividades interesantes:
Para descargar la presentación, haz click here (pdf).
Un ejemplo de tarea sería:
Contesta las siguientes preguntas:
2. Who was the highest class?
3. After them, came the noble lords, such as __________ and ___________.
4. Who followed the noble lords?
5. Where did serfs work?
6. Under the Feudal system, how did people of lower classes show their respect to the upper classes?
7. For example, the lord of a great castle might serve his king by supplying him ___________ and soldiers for a war. To show his appreciation for the service, the king might reward the lord with the gift of _______, usually in the form of a ____________, which was an important unit of ___________ in Feudal society.
8. What did a manor usually come with?
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